Describe a Bad Service You Received in a Restaurant/shop - IELTS Cue Card

11 May, 2024


Describe a Bad Service You Received in a Restaurant/shop


A cue card is given to the candidate in the IELTS speaking section of the IELTS exam, wherein the candidate is required to speak fluently for up to two minutes on the subject the examiner has provided. If you are looking for guidance in answering cue card topics, then read this blog, as it includes sample responses and follow-up questions to one of the popular topics- "Describe a bad service you received in a restaurant/shop."

Describe a bad service you received in a restaurant/shop - IELTS cue card - sample answer 1


Customers who receive poor customer service usually feel frustrated, sad, and unhappy. This happens when a company falls short of what is expected of it. I will discuss my unhappy interactions with the restaurant's service here.


When and where did it happen?

The incident occurred a few months ago when my friend and I were hungry. I encountered an unsatisfactory service at a Chinese restaurant. Due to its disappointing nature, this experience left a lasting impression. The restaurant is a popular fast-food chain known for its quick service, tasty noodles and momos. That was the only restaurant that remained open until late at night when we visited.


What happened there?

When I walked into the restaurant, I was shocked to see how many customers stood in line to place their meals. The cashier hardly acknowledged my presence and appeared bored and preoccupied. I placed my order and waited forever for my food to arrive. When it finally came, our noodles were lukewarm and tasteless. Meanwhile, the momo filling was not proper, the stuffing was spilling out.  It felt like a hurried process, and I didn't get the kind of service I thought I would get from there.


How was it solved?

I decided to leave the restaurant and find a place to eat instead of complaining to the cashier about the quality of my food.


How did you feel about it?

The experience left me frustrated and disappointed, particularly as I had been looking forward to enjoying a quick and tasty meal at a Chinese restaurant. The staff's carelessness and lack of attention impacted my impression of the restaurant, and I began to wonder if I would visit again in the future.



While companies may find it challenging to maintain the best standards during a busy time, they must prioritise their consumers' experience and ensure they are treated properly.

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Describe a bad service you received in a restaurant/shop - IELTS cue card - sample answer 2


In my life, I've encountered bad service a few times at various establishments, including restaurants, hotels and shops. Today, I'll discuss an incident when I went to a restaurant and wasn't happy with the service I received.


When and where did it happen?

A few months back, while on a weekend outing in the city centre, I decided to eat at a recently opened restaurant that had grabbed much attention. Its exteriors promised a lovely experience, but it was far different from what was actually found in this cafe.


What happened there?

When we first walked in, the restaurant was about halfway full, yet nobody came to take our orders. After what seemed like an eternity but was actually only ten minutes or so, we finally got a waiter's attention. The server was more interested in his phone than in serving the customers.


How was it solved?

I decided to talk to the manager after realising that they might not be aware of the mistakes. After carefully considering my criticism, he apologised profoundly and said that some of their employees were still in training. He promised better service and gave us a complimentary dessert as a goodwill gesture.


How did you feel about it?

Even if the manager's solution was satisfactory, the encounter was unpleasant. Eating at a restaurant is about more than just the cuisine, in this instance, the whole experience was ruined by poor service.



A well-established place should ensure its staff is adequately trained before being placed on the floor so customers don't have to deal with such bad service.

Also, read: Describe a good advertisement that you think is useful - IELTS cue card

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Describe a bad service you received in a restaurant/shop - IELTS cue card - sample answer 3


In restaurants and shops, poor service is meant to happen when a customer experiences discomfort or has unmet expectations. I'll talk about my bad experience with poor service at a restaurant right now.


When and where did it happen?

I can still clearly remember a day during a heavy weekday morning when I rushed to a nearby coffee shop named “Half Roast Coffee”, where I received poor service. This incident occurred about a month ago, on a Tuesday morning, at Half Roast Coffee, a cosy café just a few blocks from my workplace. 


What happened there?

When I walked in, the barista took an exceptionally long time to recognise my presence, as if he was overwhelmed and distracted. The barista informed me that the requested waffle and mint coffee were unavailable. This disappointed me because the cafe is one of the most well-known in the nearby area, yet I still felt let down. 


How was it solved?

My problem remained unresolved because I still desired a waffle and some mint coffee. They recommended that I order something different from their menu instead. I had no choice but to buy a cappuccino for myself.


How did you feel about it?

For me, it was bad because the items I wanted were not available. The cafe's shortage of food and drink options often leaves customers feeling let down.



It is always disappointing not to be able to have your favourite food item when visiting a cafe or a restaurant, so restaurants must ensure the availability of all food items mentioned in the menu to ensure a good service experience for customers.

IELTS Speaking Part 3- Follow-up questions

Question- What kind of services are bad services?

Answer- Ineffectiveness, lack of professionalism and delay are common signs of poor service. Poor service occurs when service providers fall short of the standards established by their positions or the promises made by their companies. Poor service is shown, for example, by unexplained delays, rude or unhelpful employees, and a disregard for customer input. Ultimately, this may be applied to every encounter that makes a client feel devalued or irritated.

Question- How do most people respond to bad services?

Answer- When presented with poor service, most people react in various ways. Some face the problem head-on and vocally express their displeasure. Some might turn to telling friends about their experiences or posting reviews online if they would rather avoid facing anyone. On the other hand, a smaller portion chooses to vote with their feet by merely not going back to the establishment. To maintain steady customer support, businesses must identify and respond to these different replies.

Question- Have there been any changes now in service delivery?

Answer- Technological advancements and heightened competition have undoubtedly improved service quality in many sectors today. While the past had its merits, with perhaps more personalised services, modern systems ensure efficiency and standardisation. However, as technology advances, sometimes the personal touch is lost. Still, I’d argue that services are more efficient and reliable now.

Question- How do you believe instances of subpar service generally affect the standing and prosperity of eateries or retail establishments?

Answer- Incidents of subpar service substantially impact the standing and profitability of eateries and retail establishments in general. In today's interconnected world, complaints about poor customer service are disseminated quickly through social media and other online review sites, possibly reaching many prospective clients. Negative reviews and feedback from dissatisfied customers can harm an establishment's reputation and cause people to lose faith in it.


In summary, we have given model responses to a trendy cue card topic, "Describe a bad service you received in a restaurant/shop", in this blog, which you must take into account while practicing for this section during IELTS preparation. 

Also, check: IELTS sample questions-2024 and make your IELTS test easy

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