Describe an Aquatic Animal - IELTS speaking cue card

5 February, 2024


Describe an Aquatic Animal  - IELTS speaking cue card


The IELTS speaking section evaluates your ability to communicate your thoughts and ideas verbally. It consists of three parts: an introduction, a discussion of a cue card topic, and follow-up questions regarding the topic. Cue card topics cover a wide range of topics, and detailed and coherent responses are critical to success.

You will be asked to describe your viewpoint on a certain area or subject as part of the IELTS cue card component, one of the exam's speaking portions. In total, there are three sections. You will be asked to define yourself in the first section, and the IELTS cue card will be found in the second. The third section will address the follow-up queries about the subject matter discussed in Part 2.

One of the most frequently used speaking cue card questions on the IELTS exam is "Describe an aquatic animal." So, in this article, let's get into more detail about how to respond to these kinds of IELTS speaking cue card subjects.

Describe an Aquatic Animal cue card - sample answer 1


An aquatic animal lives mainly in the water and can be vertebrates or invertebrates. They have skin-implanted gills that allow them to take in oxygen dissolved in water. They can also breathe air. One animal that fascinates me is the octopus. 


What does it look like?

The octopus appears to be a purse. It has eight arms, a spherical skull, and enormous eyes. The octopus may be able to grasp and taste objects because of the nerves in its arms. There are octopuses in every oceanic zone. The majority of octopuses have long lives and grow and mature quickly. The largest animal known to science is said to be the gigantic Pacific octopus.


When did you see it?/ Where did you see it?

When I was staying with my grandparents, I saw this species for the first time in one of the famous zoos in Odisha. I saw several species in the aquarium and zoo but was most interested in the octopus. It was in the tank by itself, a specimen of its kind.


Explain why it is interesting?

Given their ability to blend in with their surroundings, octopuses can effectively fend off predators in the ocean. Not only do they match the colours, but they also match the textures. They are able to get away fast if an assailant approaches them. The suckers that line the octopus's arms enable it to feel and touch objects. I find them genuinely fascinating for this reason.

Describe an Aquatic Animal cue card - sample answer 2


In general, I enjoy seeing aquatic animals. I get excited thinking about what might happen if I became an aquatic animal. In answer to this query, I'll discuss one of the fascinating animals - starfish. 


What does it look like?/ When did you see it?

I came across an article about aquatic animals while browsing Google at random. I decided to read it through to the end. I was inspired to learn more about starfish after reading some information about them. I gained a lot more knowledge about starfish as a result. This made me inquisitive about starfish, so I went to the aquarium to observe it. 


What does it look like?

Either vivid colours or neutral colours characterise the starfish. According to the information I've received, starfish, which have neither blood nor a brain, can regenerate their arms. Despite what is said about them, not all starfishers are shaped like stars. Some starfish that cushion other starfish have a blob-like, circular form. 


Explain why it is interesting?

Its unique anatomy immediately springs to mind. It's fascinating to consider that food can be digested without the need for blood or brain. I feel like it's a toy that came to life. Everything about it, the colours, the movements, the features, amazes me. 


Read more: Describe a toy you liked in your childhood - IELTS speaking cue card

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Describe an Aquatic Animal cue card - sample answer 3


Aquatic creatures are found in water and reside in water bodies. Fish, octopuses, turtles, and other aquatic animals are among the most prevalent species. Depending on anatomical and morphological characteristics to adapt to specific habitats, some aquatic species are found in freshwater, while others are located in marine environments. I am going to talk about an animal which I find very interesting.


What does it look like?/ When did you see it?/ Where did you see it?

Though it is not a fish, this animal inhabits water. It is a dolphin, and it is considered a mammal. 

I learned about this species for the first time via the National Geographic channel.

The national aquatic animal of India is the dolphin. The most interesting fact about dolphins is that they suckle to nourish their young ones after giving birth. Moreover, they must come to the surface to breathe because they are unable to breathe underwater. Even the tiny dolphin pup needs to be prodded to the surface to breathe.

The majority of fish, including tuna and snapper, are consumed by dolphins. Apart from this, Dolphins can swim quickly. They find their way through the process of Echolocation by using the noises they make. When the sound waves from the dolphins strike something, the echo returns. 

Dolphins are currently more at risk from humans than from the other way around. Although dolphins are becoming extinct in the Indian rivers, you can find some in large seas.  

Furthermore, the male dolphins are roughly 7 feet long, while the female ones measure approximately 9 feet. Regretfully, the river dolphin is in danger of going extinct. So, in order to take action to save it, the government has begun, “Project Dolphine”. 


Explain why it is interesting?

Dolphins are vital to the ecosystem's survival. I just watched the Hindi film Ajooba, in which a dolphin saves Amitabh Bachchan and grows to love it as a mother. That movie taught me that dolphins are clever, wise and trainable. This is the aquatic animal, which is really fascinating to me. 


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IELTS Speaking Part 3 - Follow-up Questions

Question: Why do people like to keep pets?

Answer: Pets, in my opinion, make people happy and support them through both good and terrible times. Spending more time with their pets makes people feel calmer and less stressed. Additionally, many individuals appreciate having pets because they eventually become members of their families.


Question: What should we do to protect endangered animals?

Answer: First and foremost, we must raise awareness about animal poaching and its impact on the food chain. Furthermore, pollution can prevent species extinction if an animal is in danger of going extinct. In that case, it should be relocated to a sanctuary or woodland where it will be left in its original habitat with the necessary care. 


Question: Do you support doing experiments on animals?

Answer: Actually, the answer is yes. Right now, using animals in trials to solve issues is the best choice, particularly regarding medical issues. But anytime it's required, and the benefit justifies the danger, then trials should be conducted. The highest level of care should always be given to reduce the experiment's negative impacts and maximise the intended result.


Question: Why do some people refuse to eat animals?

Answer: Many people refuse to consume animals for a variety of reasons. Some are pure vegetarians, while others are motivated by their religious beliefs. In India, for example, some people practise cow worship, which is why they abstain from eating animal meat. Furthermore, animal products are avoided by those who are concerned about their health because a non-vegetarian diet is high in fat, or maybe they are on a vegan diet.


Question: What would happen when some species disappear on earth?

Answer: Much chaos and disarray will result if certain species vanish from the face of the planet. Nature has always carried it forward, which keeps many organisms in harmony and balance. As a result, our planet would become naturally impoverished and suffer a great loss to its environment.


Question: Do you think that aquatic animals are dangerous?

Answer: Yes, many aquatic animals, like box jellyfish, dolphins, etc., are in danger, and the government should take action immediately to conserve these animals. 


Know more about: Validity of IELTS 2024: All You Need to Know!


Answering your questions honestly and wisely can assist you in easily overcoming the IELTS speaking cue card question challenge. Overall, you can practise to enhance your skills and increase your IELTS Speaking section score by taking mock tests or practice exams.

We hope you now have an idea of how to answer the “Describe an Aquatic Animal cute card” type of questions in your IELTS speaking test. But, still, if you are, if you want to get further details or would like to prepare for IELTS, then you can contact Prepare IELTS Exam (PI) expert counsellors for further guidance. Our team of education experts is dedicated to providing you with the best test material and guidance to ace the IELTS exam. You can get a one-on-one counselling session and an IELTS online practice test via our platform. Contact us at or call us at +91 9773398388 for further queries.


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