Describe an interest or hobby that you enjoy - IELTS speaking cue card

18 July, 2024


Describe an interest or hobby that you enjoy


As an IELTS aspirant, you might be aware of different sections of the exam, which consist of reading, writing, listening and speaking. Today in this blog, we are covering a trending topic of the speaking section: "Describe an interest or hobby that you enjoy”. Each section in the IELTS exam is scored on 0-9 bands, with 9 being the highest score. So, to score an impressive 9 band in the speaking section, let’s look at the sample answers. 


Let's begin with the example responses on “Describe an interest or hobby that you enjoy” now that we know the speaking section.

Describe an interest or hobby that you enjoy cue card- sample answer 1


Every person has some hobbies or interest areas. However, regularly pursuing these interests has become difficult as people are busy with chores. Today, I will talk about one hobby of mine that I have been enjoying since childhood, and it still gives me immense happiness whenever I get time to do it.


How did you become interested in it?

I became interested in sketching and painting as hobbies. I first became interested in them because of my mother. From a very early age, I saw my mother painting and sketching and saw various paintings made by her. So, I wanted to become as good as her.


How long have you been doing it?

I have been painting and sketching since I was 5 because of my mother and the other creative people in my house. 


Why do you enjoy it?

I started painting because I wanted to be good at it, but then I started liking it. It became therapeutic, and I started enjoying it. Painting became a method of expressing thoughts and emotions.


Explain what benefits you get from this interest or hobby.

One of the best benefits I have gotten from painting is that it became a method of venting for me. Secondly, it came in handy when I gradually went to higher standards, and sketching diagrams became easy for me. 



To conclude, this is one hobby I have always enjoyed and would enjoy doing later in life.

Describe an interest or hobby that you enjoy cue card- sample answer 2


Hobbies and interests range from indulging in physical activities like playing an instrument or dancing to mental activities like painting or singing. Today, I will discuss one such hobby that has helped me a lot with many things. 


How did you become interested in it?

The hobby I will talk about today is reading. I would call myself an avid reader. I became interested in reading by reading the comic books in my childhood. Those comic books used to have lots of colourful pictures and a variety of stories. 


How long have you been doing it?

I started with comic books when I could read, then proceeded to different kinds of novels and more. 


Why do you enjoy it?

I enjoy reading because different genres are available in the market that fit your preferences. A range of fiction novels teleport me into different worlds, and there are self-help books that help clear life visions, among many more. 


Explain what benefits you get from this interest or hobby.

Reading as a hobby has greatly improved my English reading, writing, and speaking skills. I have also improved my vocabulary, which has helped me perform well in academics. Apart from improving my English, reading books has given me a new vision and perspective. With the help of self-help books, I can easily understand some difficult things.



To sum up, reading has helped in many ways, not just one. I recommend people to inculcate this habit of reading as it is beneficial to a large extent. 


Also, read: Describe your best friend - IELTS speaking cue card

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Describe an interest or hobby that you enjoy cue card- sample answer 3


In my opinion, hobbies are equally important for adults and children. For adults, having hobbies can help release stress, whereas, for children, they help improve motor vehicle skills. Likewise, today, I want to discuss one activity I am immensely interested in. 


How did you become interested in it?

The hobby I became interested in is a form of martial arts called Taekwondo. I became interested in it by watching other kids doing it during the summer vacations.  


How long have you been doing it?

I have been doing it since I was in the 6th standard, even though I would like to be more consistent.


Why do you enjoy it?

I enjoy it because I have always loved outdoor sports. As a kid, it was a way of utilising your energy in the best way possible while learning a new skill. 


Explain what benefits you get from this interest or hobby.

The first is that it helps you get some physical activity because jobs these days have reduced that. Second, it is an excellent form of self-defence, which is necessary for everyone today. Lastly, involving oneself in extra-curricular activities and indulging in competitions are always an added feather to the cap.



To conclude, practising taekwondo has proved difficult, but I enjoy it immensely, and I feel everyone should indulge in some form of activity. 

Also, read: Describe a development in your country - IELTS speaking cue card

IELTS Speaking Part 3- Follow-up questions

Question- Are there any adverse effects on a person spending too much time on their hobby? What are they?

Answer- Anything in excess may be harmful, and this includes overindulging in hobbies. This may have detrimental consequences, such as ignoring your family and stressing your body and mind. For example, fishing in the intense heat all day might eventually lead to illness.


Question- Would you say the amount of free time has changed a lot in the last fifty years?

Answer- There has undoubtedly been a noticeable decrease in leisure time in my nation during the previous fifty years. Many elderly family members who voice worries about the growing demand for people to work longer hours have acknowledged this transition. 


Question- Do you think people will have 'more' or 'less' free time in the future? Why?

Answer- Even if we are unable to predict the future precisely, we can make certain reasonable assumptions. Future predictions indicate that we will have less and less free time, which we typically spend with our loved ones and enjoying life's little pleasures. We can anticipate this because we have already seen how preoccupied we have grown over the past 50 years with activities that, in the end, don't matter, and we don't see any indication that this will change.


Question- Do you think having a hobby is good for people’s social life? In what way?

Answer- Many people think that people are inherently friendly and prefer social situations. Because hobbies unite others with similar interests for enjoyment, they are an excellent means of satisfying our social needs. Engaging in activities such as riding, boating, athletics, or even just walking allows us to spend valuable time with our friends and family. Whether you pursue your pastime alone or with others, it's a great opportunity to show off your interests and build relationships.


Question- What effective improvements may arise while practising a hobby or interest?

Answer- Pursuing a hobby or personal interest has several advantages. It sharpens abilities, increases inventiveness, and strengthens problem-solving. It also provides happiness and a sense of achievement, making it an excellent stress reliever. Furthermore, by relieving stress and fostering a sense of pleasure and success, engaging in a pastime may also benefit mental health.

Also Check: Describe your favourite clothes - IELTS cue card


To conclude, topics like ‘Describe an interest or hobby that you enjoy’ are easy to speak about. On such topics, the tip is to have a centred thought process rather than going haywire and formulate proper answers in your head while you are given time to prepare. This will help you answer more confidently and with ease. Another tip is to practice speaking in English on a regular basis, which will be helpful during your exam as you will fumble less and have clarity in your words and sentences. Practising on a regular basis will automatically give you the knowledge of whether you are grammatically right or wrong in English.

We hope you are clear on how to answer the “Describe an interest or hobby that you enjoy” type of IELTS speaking cue card questions. But, if you still need further details on how to prepare for IELTS, you can contact Prepare IELTS Exam (PI) expert counsellors for additional guidance. Our team of education experts is dedicated to providing you with the best test material and guidance to ace the IELTS exam. You can get a one-on-one counselling session and an IELTS online practice test via our platform. Contact us at or call us at +91 9773398388 for further queries.


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