IELTS Practice Test Features

IELTS Practice Test Features

Getting a high band score in the IELTS exam is challenging; it requires adequate preparation and appropriate high-quality study materials. IELTS practice tests by Prepare IELTS Exam (PI) are carefully curated tests for IELTS General and Academic candidates to assist them in IELTS preparation in an effective manner.

Prepare IELTS Exam (PI) provides free mock tests to help aspirants determine and assess their English language skills by simulating the exam environment to prepare them further for the exam day.

The IELTS practice tests comprise four modules: Speaking, Writing, Listening and Reading. These tests are developed to prepare you to score well in all the modules. These mock tests are designed for the holistic development of your English language skills as they ensure that you become efficient in each module of the IELTS exam.

Attributes of IELTS Practice Dashboard of Prepare IELTS Exam

The distinct attributes of the IELTS practice dashboard of the Prepare IELTS Exam (PI) platform are:

  • AI-based evaluation for reading and listening module
  • Easy and smooth user experience
  • Download and examine the mock test results
  • Scored practice tests
  • Practice tests are designed and scored by our expert and certified IELTS trainers
  • Regular performance tracking and feedback

Practices Offered by Prepare IELTS

Login to get free mock test

Get familiarized with the type of questions that can appear in the actual exam by login at Prepare IELTS Exam. These mock tests can help both General and Academic candidates practice each module, get study material, live sessions. Get one free mock test after sign in!

Score high with Prepare IELTS Exam

By the help of IELTS Scored Practice Tests, candidates get a realistic idea of how well their English language skills are. The mock tests are a fair indication of the skills and knowledge. So, an aspirant have an idea of the required effort to get a high score on the IELTS Exam!.


IELTS Online Coaching

  • 4-weeks training (24 classes)
  • Students are eligible for mock tests after 22 classes
  • Various timeslots and personalised training
  • Small batch size to ensure personalised attention
  • Quality learning experience via expert tutors

IELTS tutorials and practice tests at Prepare IELTS Exam (PI) aim to render a range of services to students to provide comprehensive training so students can attain high band scores in the exam.

Student Feedback

We have helped many students to accomplish their dreams. Let's hear some feedback from them.



The IELTS test doesn't have to be difficult. In fact, you'll be able to breeze through it with our strategies, as well as with enough practice and being familiar with the test format. Now that you're equipped with tips to ace your IELTS, it's time to book your test.

You will be marked on the four criteria: fluency and coherence, lexical resource, grammatical range and accuracy, pronunciation. Scores are reported in whole and half bands. Take a free speaking practice test. Many IELTS test centres will start delivering the IELTS Speaking test via video calls.

Scoring 7.0 or above in the IELTS exam is not an impossible task. Students must start by understanding the pattern and syllabus of the exam. Once they have thoroughly understood them, they should start with the official Cambridge guide and the official IELTS website.

Several test-takers have achieved a band 9 score in the IELTS exam, proving that it is indeed possible. These high achievers typically share common study habits, test-taking strategies, and preparation methods, such as: Following a structured study plan that includes daily practice and regular progress assessments.