IELTS General Writing


The IELTS (International English Language Testing System) is a popular test for which most students planning to immigrate, work or study to English-speaking nations appear. This test contains four sections: Reading, Listening, Writing, and Speaking.

One of the most difficult sections that students find in IELTS is the writing section. Thus, let’s discuss the IELTS writing section in detail.

IELTS General Writing Test - A Quick Snnipet

Typically, the first assignment assigned to you is writing a transactional letter. This implies that you will either make requests of others or respond to requests made by others. This could include submitting a complaint letter, seeking employment, seeking or giving guidance, etc. A candidate is expected to write at least 150 words in response, and the complete work should take no more than 20 minutes.

Your second assignment would be to compose an essay in 40 minutes or less, with a minimum word count requirement of 250. Typically, you have to argue for or against a problem or argument in this essay.

Types of Questions/Tasks in IELTS Writing

The IELTS General Writing test includes two tasks. So, let’s discuss both of the tasks below.

IELTS General Writing Task 1

In this section, you will be given a scenario and asked to write a letter outlining the circumstances or seeking more information. The letter's style can be official, semi-formal, or informal. You will be given a common topic related to everyday situations, along with three bullet points that will list all the facts you need to provide in your letter. For instance, you might need to provide explanations, list specifics, indicate what you enjoy and don't like, or offer advice.

You must write your letter in the appropriate tone. Your communication style conveys the nature of your relationship with the people you interact with through tonality. A correct salutation and closure in a letter clearly reflect the tone you use. Your word choice and phrasing should also convey the tone you use.

Structure of a Task 1 General Letter

  • Greeting
  • Purpose of the letter
  • Paragraph 1
  • Paragraph 2
  • Sign-off

Formal Letters

These kinds of letters are written to a person whom you don’t know personally, like in the office or the official body. It generally starts with Dear Sir/ Maam and ends with, Yours faithfully/ Yours sincerely. Below is an example of one formal letter.

Example: Write a formal letter to the government officer for the area cleansing.

[Your Name]

[Your Address]

[City, State, Zip Code]


[Government Officer's Name]

[Government Department/Agency]


[City, State, Zip Code]

Dear [Government Officer's Name],

I am writing to bring to your attention the urgent need for area cleansing in our community. As a resident of [Your Area], I have observed an accumulation of litter, debris, and overgrown vegetation that not only diminishes the aesthetic appeal of our surroundings but also poses health and safety risks to residents.

The untidy or dirty environment attracts pests and vermin, leads to the spread of diseases, and negatively impacts the overall quality of life in our neighbourhood. Therefore, I respectfully request that your department take prompt action to initiate a thorough cleansing of the area, including removing trash, trimming overgrown vegetation, and maintaining public spaces.

Improving the cleanliness of our community will enhance our well-being and create a more pleasant environment for all residents. Your attention to this matter is greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


[Your Name]

Semi-formal Letter

The semi-formal letters are addressed to teh people whom you know partially.

Example: Write a semi-formal letter to the hotel manager for room bookings for a 2-day stay in Udaipur.

[Your Name]

[Your Address]

[City, State, Zip Code]

[Your Email Address]

[Your Phone Number]


[Hotel Manager's Name]

[Hotel Name]

[Hotel Address]

[Udaipur, Rajasthan, India]

Dear [Hotel Manager's Name],

I trust this letter finds you well. I am reaching out to inquire about room availability and reservations for a two-day stay at your esteemed hotel in Udaipur.

My family and I are planning a trip to Udaipur and are interested in staying at your hotel from [Arrival Date] to [Departure Date]. We would require accommodation for [Number of People], preferably in [preferred room type or any specific requirements].

Could you please provide information regarding room availability, rates, and any available amenities or services? Additionally, we would appreciate being informed if there are any special packages or deals offered during our intended stay dates.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I eagerly await your response and assistance in facilitating our accommodation arrangements.

Warm regards,

[Your Name]

Informal Letters

The informal letters are written to the people who you personally.

Example: Write an informal letter to a long distance friend for a general conversation.

[Your Name]

[Your Address]

[City, State, Zip Code]

[Your Email Address]

[Your Phone Number]


Dear [Friend's Name],

Hey there! How's it going? It feels like ages since we last spoke, and I've missed our chats. I hope life is treating you well.

Things have been pretty hectic on my end lately. Work has been keeping me on my toes, but I've been trying to find some time to relax and enjoy the little things. Speaking of which, remember that crazy adventure we had last summer? I still laugh every time I think about it!

What have you been up to lately? Do you have any exciting news or stories to share? I'm all ears!

Anyway, I just wanted to drop you a line and say hi. Let's plan a catch-up soon, whether over a video call or maybe even in person if we can swing it.

Take care, buddy, and looking forward to hearing from you soon!

Warm regards,

[Your Name]

IELTS General Writing Task 2

The General Training Writing test's second task requires you to write an essay in response to an issue, an argument, or a point of view. Topics are of general interest, such as what we can do to reduce global warming as a youth, whether AI (artificial intelligence is a boon or a ben for people, etc. The task instructions provide details on the question and guidance on how to address the subject in your essay. Factual facts, solutions, opinions, ideas, and evidence evaluation are just a few tasks you could expect to perform. You must finish the assignment thoroughly and include examples and pertinent thoughts to back up your claims. Make sure that each of your ideas is neatly organised into a paragraph. A minimum of 250 words must be written.

How is the IELTS Writing Band Calculated

An IELTS examiner scores your writing exam using four different factors. The worth of each criterion is equal to 25% of the task's overall score. You will receive a band score for Writing Task 1 and a band score for Writing Task 2 from the examiner separately. These results are then used to determine your final IELTS Writing band score. Remember that Task 2's writing component is worth twice as many points as Task 1's. Below, we have mentioned teh four criteria on which IELTS writing tasks are assessed

Task achievement (for Writing Task 1) or Task response (for Writing Task 2)

This is to evaluate how well your solution meets the task requirements in terms of accuracy, appropriateness, and relevance, using the fewest possible words.Your task answer includes the quality of your argument development in response to the task, supported by examples and evidence that may come from personal experience.

  • Coherence and cohesion : This evaluates your writing style, flow, concept, and information organisation. It includes logically organising your thoughts and appropriately using various cohesive devices, such as conjunctions, linking words, and pronouns.
  • Lexical resource : This is to evaluate your vocabulary usage range as well as your accuracy and appropriateness.
  • Grammatical range and accuracy : This is to evaluate your usage of grammar in general as well as how correctly and appropriately you utilise it.

Tips to Prepare for the IELTS General Writing Test

Below are some IELTS general writing tips for the test:

  • Go through the format in detail: It can be very difficult for someone whose first language is not English to become fluent in it. The pressure of being evaluated in a formal exam setting is added, making the activity seem even more difficult. Proceed and familiarise yourself with the IELTS format by visiting their website. It becomes easier from there if you know what to anticipate.
  • Understand the evaluation standards: Examiners typically focus on a candidate's comprehension and response to the first exercise, as well as whether or not they addressed the subject in the second task, clarified and backed up their response, and made a firm position. Further, Candidates are also evaluated on the basis of organisation of ideas, grammatical correctness, and vocabulary breadth. Therefore, a well-written script should be finished, written cohesively and clearly, with perfect grammar, a good vocabulary range, and fewer spelling mistakes.
  • Before you begin writing, consider your options: Although it may be tempting to compose the answer right away due to time restrictions, it is wise to spend some time analysing the question's components and create a coherent writing approach. In order for the article to flow well, it is just as vital to address each of the bullet points and to ensure that they are done so in the correct order.
  • Revise and edit your responses: There isn't enough time to revise your response, but you may review your grammar, replace a few rough phrases with more elegant ones, and look over your answer for spelling mistakes. Spend some time doing this since each point adds up to the ultimate band score.
  • Go through the model responses and example questions: Examine the examples that the "good ones" have sent in, noting how they phrased their answers and other details. To improve your own responses, try writing in a similar manner.
  • Practice a few sample papers: Visit the IELTS website to access a variety of practice questions. Aim to solve as many as you can. They are timed and can assist with time management and general writing.

Important Things to Know about IELTS Writing

Below are some important things you must remember while appearing for the IELTS general writing task.

  • Make sure you provide a thorough and direct response to the inquiry. For Academic Task 1, for example, this would include emphasising the vital information that needs to be included.
  • Take note of your spelling, vocabulary, and level of complexity. Aim to modify the complexity according to the grade you want to achieve. Consider the sentence transitions and paragraph openers you will use, such as "Moreover" or "With regard to this matter..."
  • Make sure your response is organised and logically structured, making as effective use of connectors as you can. For example, avoid having one sentence in a paragraph that is excessively long.
  • Make sure your grammar is as precise and intricate as you can. Avoid "experimenting" on the exam by sticking to tried-and-true options like perfect tenses and passive.
  • Verifying your responses could be crucial to taking the IELTS test. Make an effort to leave time during your response for a final inspection. If you don't take the time to check, you could make many simple mistakes that can lower your grade.


Prepare IELTS (PI) provides you with the free IELTS General Writing Test. If you want to live or work in the English language native countries, then you should take this test for practice. Our experts designed this test to help the candidates prepare for their exams.

Yes, IELTS General is easier than an academic test. IELTS GT is conducted to check the candidates’ ability to handle everyday life and survive in the country.

To get permanent residency (PR) in Canada, you have to get a valid band score in the IELTS General test. The exam is held to satisfy the requirements of Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC).

Below are some common mistakes a candidate makes while attending an IELTS Writing test.

  • Not enough paragraphs
  • Improper format
  • Spelling Errors
  • Partially related to the question
  • An unclear Answer

It is very important to score well and get a good band score in the IELTS Exam if you want to live or work in abroad countries. You can check the IELTS exam preparation tips here, which have been suggested by experts.