Describe a Person You Know Who Likes to Talk a Lot - IELTS Cue Card

27 April, 2024


Describe a Person You Know Who Likes to Talk a Lot


Cue card subjects in the IELTS exam are allocated two to three minutes of speaking time. Apart from that, you have an extra minute to prepare your topic before speaking. This blog is a sample response to the popular cue card question, "Describe a person you know who likes to talk a lot." Following the sample response, you will be asked a few follow-up questions.

Follow-up questions are those that the examiner asks during the subsequent phase of the speaking exam. These will be strongly related to the ideas explored in Part 2 of the cue cards. The cue card task takes three to four minutes, while the IELTS speaking section lasts eleven to fourteen minutes in total. So, let’s begin with the blog.

Describe a person you know who likes to talk a lot cue card- sample answer 1


Nowadays, we classify talkative people as extroverts; those who do not like to talk a lot are introverted. Here, I am going to talk about an extroverted person I know, who likes to talk a lot.


Who is this person?

This person is my school friend Gunjan. I have known her for 10 years now, and she is a chatterbox and my best friend. She can talk for days without getting tired, and you would have to ask her to take a pause while talking and breathe as well.


How do you know him/ her?

As I mentioned earlier, Gunjan is my best friend. We became friends when we were in school and have been friends for the past 10 years now.


What does she/he like to talk about?

Gunjan likes to talk about many things including art, festivals, different norms and much more. We became friends because of our art class. She had a point of view about an art piece that differed from mine, and we discussed it. Since then, I have observed that she is very passionate about different kinds of art forms and interior design. She has an eye for good things and tends to give her reviews about things openly, making herself heard and noticed in a huge crowd as well.


How do you feel about him/ her?

I admire many qualities about her such as her ability and confidence to speak up in front of a huge crowd. Living with her as an introverted person has impacted me immensely, to the extent that I now have the courage to speak up when it is required.



To conclude, I would say that because of Gunjan, I have realised that talking and putting your ideas forward is very important. One should never be hesitant to put forth one’s ideas no matter how silly they are, it will make you a confident person and will help you become a confident personality.

Also, read: Describe a piece of good news - IELTS speaking cue card

Describe a person you know who likes to talk a lot cue card- sample answer 2


Sensible talking is an art not everyone possesses. It is essential to be educated enough to speak sense when you are addressing someone. You do not need to be educated about everything, but you should be aware of what you are speaking about. Today, I will be talking about a person who used to speak a lot and engage people with his wisdom.


Who is this person?

The person I am going to talk about today is my school principal, Father Raymond Coelho. I got to know him first through my sister, and then I met him when I went to the school.


How do you know him/ her?

I have known him for more than 10 years now. I met him when I took admission to my school in Higher Kindergarten. I fondly remember him treating all the kids with a gentle approach and talking very animatedly with us despite being at such a designation. 


What does she/he like to talk about?

I very discreetly remembered that Father used to share his life stories with all the children during the morning assembly and enlighten us with his stories. As a principal, he encouraged all the kids to perform better and be open about all their issues. He used to talk about various life instances while giving important life lessons. 


How do you feel about him?

I feel that Fr. Raymond Coelho is an exceptional person. I still remember many of his life stories, which give me a clear life basis. I also remember how animatedly he delivered them, which made them even more interesting. It was a delight to listen to him every morning. I have immense respect for him and will always cherish every word he has said, both in general and to me as well.



To conclude, Father, being at his designation, was aware of what he was sharing with the students, which was interesting and also impacted our lives in a positive manner. This characteristic of his is what I admire and value a lot, apart from his talks. 

Also, read: Describe a time when you felt bored - IELTS speaking cue card

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IELTS Speaking Part 3- Follow-up questions

Question- Can you say that you are a talkative person?

Answer- No. I'm not a person who usually talks a lot. I occasionally talk a lot about things for a while when I'm enthusiastic about them. However, I like to speak less in general. In my opinion, speaking less and only when needed makes your opinions and remarks more valuable.

Question- What are some distance modes of communication?

Answer- In the past, people communicated across distances via letters, newspapers and television. However, due to technological improvements, social media has become the primary means of communication in the modern day. The most popular way of communication is through social media sites like Instagram. Using this platform, you may exchange news and information and have conversations with your loved ones who live abroad. Mobile phones are another popular means of communication. In addition, a portion of individuals still utilise TV and news channels as a means of communication.

Question- Do you like people who talk a lot?

Answer- I don’t dislike people who talk a lot, but it also depends on who is talking and what they are talking about. When someone has something meaningful to offer, I don’t mind it; otherwise, I remove myself from that conversation. 

Question- Did you ever snap at someone who talks a lot and later felt bad about it?

Answer- Yes, I did yell at my younger sister once when she was giddy with pride following a debate victory at her school. Her talking interfered with my focus when I was writing an important assignment. I then sent her away from my room after reprimanding her. She left my room with a sad expression on her face, and I felt awful for scolding her. 

Question- Do you think Indians are talkative?

Answer- In my opinion, it is a perception that the majority of Indians are extroverts and are prone to talk a lot. They are very amicable and like to make strangers comfortable, which is why they talk. This is what contributes to the beauty of India and its people.


To conclude, above are a few samples of the IELTS speaking cue card to help you answer better when given these kinds of topics. The important thing to keep in mind is to be precise and crisp with your answers, which will help you complete the cue cards within two minutes. Also, remember that you should narrate the cue card as a story and relate it to yourself, making the answer easier to explain and relate.

Also, read: Describe a town or city where you would like to live in the future - IELTS Speaking Cue Card

We hope you are clear on how to answer the “Describe a person you know who likes to talk a lot” type of IELTS speaking cue card questions. But, if you still need further details on how to prepare for IELTS, you can contact Prepare IELTS Exam (PI) expert counsellors for additional guidance. Our team of education experts is dedicated to providing you with the best test material and guidance to ace the IELTS exam. You can get a one-on-one counselling session and an IELTS online practice test via our platform. Contact us at or call us at +91 9773398388 for further queries.


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