IELTS Writing Task 2: How to write a high-scoring IELTS Essay in 10 easy steps

14 February, 2024


IELTS Writing Task 2: How to write a high-scoring IELTS Essay in 10 easy steps


Creating a well-researched essay is essential for success in IELTS Writing Task 2. A high-scoring IELTS essay should show that you understand the language and can organise and present information rationally and effectively.

The following article will help IELTS candidates create a successful essay by breaking it down into ten simple steps. Whether you are a beginner or an established writer, these steps are essential for everyone looking to improve their writing skills and achieve a high grade. So, let’s start with the blog!

Understanding IELTS Essay Basics

To understand the basics of an IELTS Essay, you need to be familiar with essential elements. The structure of an IELTS essay is prescribed. It deals with the particular topic specified in the prompt. You will come across several essay types. These are opinion, discussion, and problem-solution papers. Two-part questions are also used in the test.

Each type needs a different strategy. For instance, opinion essays require your opinion. Discussion essays analyse two points of view on a topic. In problem-solving essays, you offer solutions to problems. Two-part questions can combine these elements. Knowing these types allows you to respond accurately to them. This knowledge is key to a good score.


Parameters Assessed in Essays

  • Task Response: It evaluates how well you have handled the subject. Your essay should not leave out any of the details in the question. It should be similarly relevant to the topic at all times.

  • Coherence and Cohesion: This refers to the essay’s structure and development. Each paragraph should follow from the previous one. Linking words is supposed to advance thoughts.

  • Lexical Resource: This checks your vocabulary skills. Correctness of words is of utmost importance. Use the same words as often as possible.

  • Grammatical Range and Accuracy: This is a grammar evaluation. Your essay must contain varied sentence patterns. Minimal errors should be the aim for a better score.


The key to a good IELTS score is to be able to handle these areas. Focus on these aspects when you prepare. This approach will make a huge difference in your writing.

10 Easy Steps to Score High in IELTS Essay

Step 1: Analyse the Question

The grasp of the prompt is the basis of a good essay. Spend enough time to read the whole question and understand it fully. Understand the meaning of the keywords and words like "analyse," "discuss," or "evaluate" to know what is expected. Knowing the kind of essay (opinion, discussion, problem-solution) helps you to structure your response accordingly.

Strategies for spotting question types include searching for expressions that provide clues to the appropriate way of answering. In an opinion essay, the prompt may directly request your opinion. The typical argumentation essay involves making a statement and looking into the arguments for and against it. Recognising these signals assures that your essay meets the examiners' expectations.


Step 2: Make Your Plan

Planning what to write beforehand not only saves time but also increases clarity. Summarise your main ideas and evidence. This blueprint guarantees that your essay has a logical structure and that the required elements are highlighted.

Brainstorming is a crucial part of this phase. It is about making ideas and separating them to pick the most important and strong arguments. This operation helps in the development of a coherent argument structure, preventing your essay from being scattered and ineffective.


Step 3: Writing Techniques in Introduction

The introduction should engage the reader and present your thesis statement. Start the sentence with a general topic, then zoom in on your particular stand or argument. This is an introduction to your essay.

Creating a compelling and concise introduction is essential. It should tell the reader about the topic and the essay structure. The thesis statement, which is placed at the end of the introduction, must encompass the main argument or response to the question.


Step 4: Developing Body Paragraphs

Strong body paragraphs back up your thesis with precise and well-structured points. Start each paragraph with a topic sentence that introduces its main idea. End this with explanations, examples, or evidence that support your claim.

The use of examples and evidence makes the argument more convincing. They should be relevant and directly related to the main thesis of the paragraph. This approach shows that you know how to do it and can build your arguments on this basis.


Step 5: Writing a Compelling Conclusion

A good conclusion restates the essay's key ideas and supports the thesis statement. It pulls together the discussed information, showing the reader that you have achieved what you intended.

Leaving a lasting impression involves restating the thesis in the light of the evidence given. Avoid introducing new ideas. In other words, concentrate on presenting the central idea of your argument, highlighting the importance of your findings or opinion.


Step 6: Cohesion and Coherence

The logic of the flow of ideas is coherence, and cohesion is linking words to connect those ideas. Every paragraph of an essay should smoothly move to the next one without losing the line of argument.

The linking words and cohesive devices such as "furthermore", "in contrast", and "as a result" are important. They provide the outline for the argument, leading the reader through your essay with concision and ease.


Step 7: Lexical Resources Improvement

A rich vocabulary gives you the ability to convey ideas in a more efficient and precise manner. Diversify your writing by learning synonyms and phrases that can add richness to your language.

Repetition should be avoided, and synonyms should be used judiciously. This not only shows linguistic ability but also captures attention. Nevertheless, use the words in the appropriate context to keep the sentence clear.


Step 8: Grammar and accuracy

Your essay should demonstrate different grammatical structures with correctness. This includes the correct usage of tenses, articles, and prepositions. Sentences with different structures can display your language mastery.

Some common grammatical mistakes are subject-verb agreement mistakes, wrong choice of articles, and complex sentences. Regular practice and review can help one identify and correct mistakes, thus improving the score in the long run.


Step 9: Practice with Feedback

Essay writing should be practised. Try different types of essay questions to cover all possible cases. Upon writing, ask for feedback from teachers, tutors, or peers. This external view can highlight problematic areas that require improvement.

Applying feedback involves concentrating on the recommended changes. This iterative procedure of writing, getting feedback, and revising helps you perfect your skills, thus making your writing more effective and presentable.


Step 10: Time Management

Managing your time well during the exam ensures enough time to plan, write, and review your essay. Set aside a particular time for each step of the writing process. Planning will take 5-10 minutes, drafting the main part and leaving a few minutes for revision.

Examples of managing time include practising under timed conditions to develop a feeling of how long each part should take. Acquiring the ability to think and draft your essay rapidly can save much time, which leaves enough space for detailed proofreading and corrections if required.

All of these steps, when pursued diligently, have a great impact on the writing of high-performance IELTS essays. The core is identifying the task, designing your response, implementing it effectively and efficiently, and improving through practice and feedback.

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Tips to Follow During the IELTS Essay Exam for a High Score

The following tips centre on pre-exam strategy and on-exam execution to improve your IELTS Writing Task 2 performance.

  • Understand the Prompt: Critically review the question to make sure your essay stays relevant.

  • Plan Your Essay: Spend the first few minutes sketching your main points and instances.

  • Clear Structure: Structure your essay with an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion.

  • Focus on Quality Over Quantity: Think carefully of the arguments and do not try to deal with too many points superficially.

  • Use a Range of Vocabulary: Demonstrate your lexical asset not by inserting complex words unnecessarily.

  • Grammar and Sentence Variety: A mixture of simple and compound sentences should be used correctly.

  • Manage Your Time: Set aside specific time for planning, writing, and proofreading.

  • Practice and Feedback: Regularly write essays on different subjects and ask for feedback to find and fix the weaknesses.


In summary, if you follow these 10 simple steps, you will be able to improve your IELTS essay writing skills and increase your chances of getting high scores. Remember, it's the practice that will make you better. Keep practising, ask for feedback, and don't be afraid to try different writing styles and structures. We wish you the best with your IELTS preparation.


We hope you now have an idea of how easy or difficult it is to pass the Essay writing in IELTS. But, still, if you are looking for more details or would like to prepare for IELTS, you can contact Prepare IELTS Exam (PI) expert counsellors for further guidance. Our team of education experts is dedicated to providing you with the best test material and guidance to ace the IELTS exam. You can get a one-on-one counselling session and an IELTS online practice test via our platform. Contact us at or call us at +91 9773398388 for further queries.


Academic essays cover more formal and abstract topics, demanding the ability to discuss and argue complex ideas with a formal style. In contrast, General Training essays use a semi-formal or even personal tone to focus on more common, everyday topics or issues. The main difference is the manner and subject matter presented.

Improving your IELTS Writing Task 2 score involves several strategies: If you understand the task's requirements, practice essay writing often, expand your vocabulary, focus on grammatical accuracy, and get feedback on your writing. Moreover, knowing the structure of essays and practising time management during the test is essential. You can also improve your writing by following the detailed steps outlined in this blog.

Vocabulary, also known as a lexical resource, plays a crucial role in IELTS Writing Task 2. A great vocabulary shows your language level and helps you express yourself clearly and effectively. Nevertheless, the use of words correctly and in the right context is significant. Overusage of complex vocabulary or incorrect use of words will bring down your score.

Yes, you could use personal examples in your IELTS essay, particularly in the General Training essays, where personal and semi-formal styles are allowed. The examples should support your argument clearly and be related to the topic. In academic essays, one can use personal examples in addition to more formal pieces of evidence or examples.

Allocating 5-10 minutes for planning your essay is normally advised. The planning stage should consist of determining the question, generating ideas, organising your thoughts coherently, and outlining your arguments. Effective planning makes your essay logical and well-organised and clearly addresses all the task requiremeare essential for a high grade.


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